IUMW Career Fair 2017When fellow Principal Hilmy called me one day to invite me to conduct a workshop at his university's career fair, I immediately agreed to it. Not because he was a comrade but because I feel I can add value to the students. I've been researching and conducting workshops on building a powerful network for one's personal and professional lives. I've learned from the world's best, namely Ramit Sethi and from my own experience engaging over 100 organisations through Nation Building School. This is my 10th #NetworkingMalaysia workshop -- and I had a blast!
Thank you, IUMW students! The workshop consisted of the following:
I'm launching an opportunity platform simply called Leadership Opportunities for Malaysian Youth or LOMY.
I've come to realise one too many young people are unaware of opportunities available in this country. As the name suggests, LOMY connects you with opportunities to develop your leadership skills. We exist as an opportunity platform so that every single youth in Malaysia — citizen or noncitizen — can benefit from opportunities to grow as a leader. Any opportunities — conferences, scholarships, competitions, fellowships, internships — as long as it helps youth in Malaysia. It is my hope that LOMY can help in youth development, particularly in training, education and employment. Currently, LOMY will be a Facebook group (because it's simple, it works and people are always on Fb). When it gains traction, we can make it a portal or an app. We will be curating opportunities from credible sources such as Youth Opportunities and All Events In City. We will also be sharing exclusive opportunities from partners. This won't be a one-way street as it's open for anyone to post opportunities, subject to terms and conditions. I'd like to invite you to join the group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/opportunitiesmy. If you'd like to receive exclusive opportunities, please sign up as a member at http://bit.ly/joinopportunitiesmy. If you are interested to feature an opportunity or join the leadership, please email us at [email protected]. We took action on our dreams recently. On 19 May 2015, myZAT launched our first meeting on public speaking + personal development. We expected 20 participants but 27 showed up! Our 'Speak Up 2 Move Up' program is about being comfortable in your own voice to achieve your dreams in life!
In this episode, we answer the million dollar question. This question is fundamental to your being in this world.
SIGN UP for myZAT Movement at http://bit.ly/myzatmovement Do you want to achieve your goals? Your dreams? Your aspirations? It all starts with the first step.
A Chinese philosopher one said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." And we wholeheartedly agree. If you've been enjoying our content or want to know more, we would like to invite you to join the myZAT Movement at http://bit.ly/myzatmovement In our 10th episode, we speak about the importance of public speaking. We also want you to discover your voice in public speaking.
If you've been enjoying our content or want to know more, we would like to invite you to join the myZAT Movement at http://bit.ly/myzatmovement In our 9th episode, we bring you to the Pareto Principle or better known as the 80–20 rule. It essentially states 80% of outcomes/results comes from 20% efforts and vice versa. Find the top 2 areas in your life and apply the Pareto Principle.
If you've been enjoying our content or want to know more, we would like to invite you to join the myZAT Movement at http://bit.ly/myzatmovement In our 8th episode, we are explaining the law behind efficiency. Parkinson’s Law is summed up in adage that goes as “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” This is related to Pomodoro Technique in video #7.
Learn more and apply the Parkinson's Law: 1. Lifehack: "How to Use Parkinson’s Law to Your Advantage " http://www.lifehack.org/articles/prod... 2. IMPOSSIBLE: Beginner's Guide to Parkinson's Law http://impossiblehq.com/parkinsons-law If you've been enjoying our content or want to know more, we would like to invite you to join the myZAT Movement at http://bit.ly/myzatmovement If you always feel you don't have enough time, the Pomodoro technique is for you. This life-hack can help you finish your tasks faster. It'll leave you with more time to focus on your life.
We're sharing the Pomodoro apps we use: 1. The Pomodoro Technique (original) - http://pomodorotechnique.com/ 2. Focus Booster - https://www.focusboosterapp.com/ 3. Pomodoro Timer (Mac) - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pomod... 4. ClearFocus (Android) - https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... If you've been enjoying our content or want to know more, we would like to invite you to join the myZAT Movement at http://bit.ly/myzatmovement. In our 6th episode, it's all about health and fitness! We're sharing the way we work out and exercise in the gym. This regime has worked for us. Try the sample workout below.
February 2025